We’re Back, with News to Share!

This Month:
Restoring Balance
Habit Kits

We spent the last year building a team, redesigning our services and launching a new toolkit! 

Behind the scenes, we’ve been focusing on our community’s shifting needs during this unprecedented time. From personal health and well being, to financial coaching and small business consulting, we’re committed to supporting our community through these challenges.  

Restoring Balance in 2020

Having our personal and professional lives derailed by the events of 2020 can be exhausting. As we continue to re-create our daily routines, a fundamental question arises: What can self care look like right now?

For many, our normal self care options aren’t fully available, but we can focus on what is possible.

Do you have time for one deep breath?  For a one minute walk or to just be outside? For a 5 minute call to a friend or loved one, or for one cup of tea? 

If we get into the habit of taking these crucial breaks throughout our day, we give ourselves options to refill our tanks. This self-care is essential, because we’re in a marathon, not a sprint.

The good news is that our brains and bodies are built with an astounding capacity for resiliency, and adaptation, if we can give ourselves a few key resources: 

Social Connection: Could a 5 minute call to a friend or family member help you today? (and would they appreciate the call, to check on them?)

Movement: Have you found creative options to keep your body moving, relax tension in your nervous system, and stay safe within this pandemic? Could a quick walk outside help?  

Nutrition: Stress can nudge us toward more sugary foods and alcohol—how do you help yourself with moderation? Can you provide a few tasty alternatives that are fun rewards for break and meal time?   

Mental health: What does a single moment of self-care look like for you, right now? Is it a few deep breaths, and recalling that the current challenge will pass? Or is it a call to connect with a loved one, friend or counselor?

Feeling stuck?
A powerful trick works in tandem with self care

If we feel deeply stuck ruminating on our own challenges despite self-care efforts, a paradoxical relief is always available: pause and ask how someone else is doing, and listen to their answer without judgement. Curiously, that simple act can lighten our own load.  

To be clear, this does not mean ignoring or suppressing our needs, or being a doormat. It’s about recognizing when the grip of self-preoccupation has taken over, and finding that you could relieve it by shifting some focus to others. 

Try it out the next time a dark mood is setting in. You may find that any act of kindness can help you, and maybe the other person, get through the day a little easier.  

Lastly, our resiliency can always use a reminder that this situation is impermanent. No matter how bad it is, or how challenging it may get, it will eventually end.

New Resources: 

We’re excited to reach a key milestone: 
To put the most essential, evidence-based habit-building resources
into peoples’ hands. 

(Spoiler: it’s not a book)

Years of testing, research and design bring the only toolkit that combines the best evidence-based methods for habit-building: Habit Kits!

Get your Habit Kit here!

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